Need an idea for a teen bedroom? The Concept line brilliantly stores everything that matters to teens. And when your child wants a change, all you have to do is replace the colour of the fronts and presto - a new room. Azure, red, saffron and oak - choose the front colour and give the room a unique feel.
A comfortable environment helps you to learn faster. A specially shaped headboard is ready for long hours spent on reading lecture notes. It will also be perfect to lean against and watch a movie on your laptop in the evening.
Barwny akcent pomoże Ci stworzyć dowolny klimat w pomieszczeniu. Kolekcję Concept wzbogaciliśmy o dwa nowe kolory frontów - czerń i róż. Łącząc je lub decydując się tylko na jeden z nich zbudujesz wnętrze zgodne z upodobaniami Twojego dziecka.
Pojemne szafy i szuflady pomogą sprostać jednemu z najtrudniejszych zadań w pokoju dorastającego malucha - utrzymaniu porządku.
Can a desk really be a teen’s favourite piece of furniture? Now it can! Drawers without runners can be released and used as boxes for the most important gadgets. Slim, solid wood legs will make youngsters approach things seriously.
Let's not forget about entertainment! All the electronic marvels in a young gamer's room will fit into a smart TV stand.
Reach out, wisdom is within your grasp.
Furniture lifted above the ground with oak legs facilitates cleaning.
Mobilny kontenerek na kółkach posłuży jako stolik nocny albo dodatkowy przybornik w pobliżu biurka.
Concept opens nicely. Silicon tubes blend into the colourful furniture fronts.