External doors, windows and garage doors are subsidised under the Clean Air Programme
Your annual net income must not exceed PLN 135,000
The level of co-financing ranges from 40 to even 100% of the value of the joinery with installation (VAT is not subject to co-financing)
The procedure is simple - you can complete it online or in the municipality office
Clean Air. What is this programme?
It is a programme dedicated to the comprehensive thermomodernisation of single-family residential buildings. As its beneficiary, you can benefit from subsidies for the replacement of an inefficient heat source with a modern heating device and other undertakings conducive to lowering energy demand, e.g. insulation of the building, replacement of windows and doors, installation of photovoltaics or an energy audit.
What conditions do I have to meet?
If you want to apply for a grant, you actually have to meet the basic programme requirements:
be a natural person and the owner or co-owner of a single-family house or a separate dwelling in such a house with a separate land and mortgage register, and also fall within one of the income brackets defined by the legislator,
verify the selected appliances before the investment is made - they must meet the statutory requirements,
once the programme has been completed, your home may not have an inefficient heat source in operation, even if the subsidy only covered thermomodernisation of the building.
How much subsidy will I get?
The amount of the grant depends on your income threshold and the type and extent of the measures you undertake. The subsidy can be up to PLN 66,000 for the basic level of subsidy, up to PLN 99,000
for the higher level, and up to PLN 135,000 for the highest level. Regardless of the funding level, you are additionally entitled to a grant of up to PLN 1,200 for an energy audit of the building.
Income thresholds:
basic subsidy level - annual income not exceeding £135,000,
higher financing level - average monthly income not exceeding PLN 1894 per person in a multi-person household and PLN 2651 in a one-person household, plus an additional condition in the case of running a business,
highest level of subsidy - average monthly income not exceeding PLN 1090 per person in a multi-person household and PLN 1526 in a one-person household, or the right to benefit.
What about the audit?
When applying for a grant for comprehensive thermo-modernisation (meaning a reduction in energy consumption for heating a building to no more than 80 kWh/m2/year or by at least 40%), you must commission an energy audit of the building before it is granted.
I want to buy an external door. What funding can I count on?
There is no quota limit for the costs of thermomodernising a building. Only the intensity of the subsidy, i.e. its percentage of the net costs incurred, is indicated. You can receive co-financing for the replacement of windows, external doors and garage doors as well as the insulation of building partitions in the amount of:
basic level of co-financing: 40% of the costs,
increased level of co-financing: 70% of costs,
highest co-financing level: 100% of costs.
Where and how do I apply?
You submit an application under the programme either online or on paper to the relevant provincial fund for environmental protection and water management (WFOŚiGW) or to your local authority (if the local authority has an agreement with the fund). You can do this before, after or during the implementation of the project. Remember that the first application is an application for funding and the next one is an application for payment. You will sign a grant agreement by the end of 2027, while the deadline for disbursement of funds will be 30 September 2029.